Blog Post 1 – Mental Health / Done is Good

I am at the beginning of my research, but as of right now I have started to look at mental health throughout the college’s history with a focus on “Done is Good.” I am currently reading and taking notes on “The Making of a Feminist” by M Carey Thomas. This book is a collection of Thomas’ letters. I also am planning to go into the archives to read “The Education of Women” by M Carey Thomas as well. I believe that both of these books will help me to try and understand what mental health looked like at the starting of the college. I have also looked through The College News from 1984 – 1996 to help me see what has or has not changed with figuring out how to practice mental health in a contemporary time period. Clare Mullaney, who graduated in 2011 and is a visiting professor, is someone who I am going to be talking to about what Bryn Mawr looked like for her especially since she focuses on disability studies.

So far there is not a lot I have been able to find. but as of right now my main focus is trying to identify the origins of “Done is Good.” Because mental health has honestly not been a thing until recent years, The College News and talking to alums will be probably give me the best information about college life. From students in the 80s and 90s using humor to deal to with mental health to present day people telling each other ghost stories. How has the college helped with stress? Has anything really changed? What toxic tendencies have been passed down to the current students at the college? With the current climate about inaccessibility, I believe this project can help unpack and be an important resource for those who are searching to understand disability at this school.

-Katie Davenport ’21